Friday, 26 July 2013

The Summer Holidays are upon us!

For those without school aged children, the term 'Summer Holidays' has no threatening connotations for you.
For those of us with children of Nursery and School age that term can put fear in the heart of the most unshakeable person.  
"How will we entertain them?", "Will the nice weather hold out?", "Will they ever stop arguing/fighting/trying to kill each other?"

I've come across some great ideas to keep kids occupied during the 'dreaded time'.  Come rain or shine i think even my stroppy 8 year old would struggle to announce she was bored with these activities. (click the titles for the link)
Enjoy x

Summer Activity Jar
Such a great idea, get your kids to write down all the things they'd like to do, and then pop them onto a lolly stick.  As soon as the dreaded B word pops out of their mouths they can pick something to do 

Toilet Roll Activities

simple activity, easy to make, and cheap too.

For the wetter/cooler days fort building is a must!

Such a fab idea, cornflour, water and food colouring to get cheap and fun activities

If you have space in the freezer this one is great fun.  All is needed is a washing up bowl, some plastic toys and water.  Simply pop in some toys cover with some water, freeze.  Add more toys more water freeze again and keep repeating till the bowls full of ice.  On a hot day pop it out of the bwl and lt your little archeologist explore.

Most Museums and Art Galleries are free to enter and have activities and special events on for the Summer Holiday

Possibly the most fun looking stuff i have seen.  Simple to make with sand Scotch guard spray and a pot with water.  Spray the sand (making sure to get an even covering) allow to dry then experiment.

Balloon Bean Bags

cheap and fun, bean bags made from balloons and flour.

Water Painting

The simplest and possibly cheapes craft, all you need a wall/pavement/step in the sunshine a pot of water and an old paintbrush.
Paint a picture wait a while paint a new one.  

and at the end of the day a fun way to unwind..............

Glow Stick Bath

makes the chore of bath time so much more fun!

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